It is a fresh year, with much to be thankful for. We have been working in recent months to compile a directory of the many services offered in South County by local non-profit organizations, the faith community, businesses, individuals and service groups. We will soon be posting this resource list on our website. As we have come to understand the efforts that each provides, I continue to be amazed at the many generous examples of caring that I encounter.
With your support we are developing new programs and learning about the good work that continues to happen. Here are just a few of the many stories that can be told about our community partners stepping up to help those in need. These are but a few of the many efforts happening in our community.
Holiday Gifts and Meals - - Members of the Five Cities Christian Women's Club came together over the holidays to assist 60 families with holiday food and gifts. The women, gathering at the United Methodist Church, packaged boxes for each family that included all the fixings for a holiday meal, and gifts for each in the family. Members of St. Patrick's Catholic Church took the lead to provide assistance to over 400 families with their gift and holiday food program. Volunteers with the South County People's Kitchen hosted a holiday party for nearly 300 needy neighbors, complete with children's gifts, warm clothing and of course a hot meal. And the South SLO County Service Extension Unit of the Salvation Army reported helping over 700 families with their Angel Tree program of gifts and food.
Linda and Kermit Prather's Gift Closet - Community volunteer Karla Prather Allee and her husband Kent, reached out to the community to provide stuffed animals and books for homeless children. Karla and her parents started this effort, which Karla now continues in their memory. "My mother would always say that every child should have a book to read and something to hold," notes Karla. With the assistance of Kohl's, area Kiwanis Clubs, Camp Fire and others, Karla and her team were able to give out over 100 gift bags to area families through the holiday season.
Homeless Outreach in Nipomo - Working with the homeless in Nipomo, members of the Nipomo Community Presbyterian Church are working to provide tents, tarps, warm socks, water, nutrition bars and transportation. The church has been able to sponsor one family with children into their first apartment and are celebrating that. The church has also made up 100 bags to give to homeless folks with necessities etc. and are taking up toiletries every week for the shelter in Santa Maria and food each week for 5 cities Christian women's food bank.
Clothing Vouchers with St. Barnabas and St. Patrick's - We are especially pleased to announce a new clothing voucher program we have been able to develop with St. Barbnabas Episcopal Church and St. Patrick's Catholic Church, through their respective thrift stores. Working with other area service providers we have begun giving clothing vouchers to those in need that can be redeemed at these two thrift stores. Members of both churches also continue to be involved in helping the homeless in many other ways, including providing food, holiday gifts, hygiene kits, and other assistance throughout the year.